By Katie Weidenboerner on Friday, September 29, 2023
Category: News

JHF Sponsors Third Annual Eradicate Hate Global Summit in Pittsburgh

The Jewish Healthcare Foundation was a funder of the third annual Eradicate Hate Global Summit, the most comprehensive anti-hate conference in the world, held in Pittsburgh and virtually September 27-29.

Born out of the Tree of Life massacre in Pittsburgh in October 2018, the Eradicate Hate Global Summit unites experts and leaders from around the globe who are dedicated to eradicating all forms of hate-fueled violence. Convening each year around the anniversary of the Tree of Life massacre, the mission of the Summit is to identify and implement effective solutions for collective change.

This year's agenda addressed the current state of global hate-fueled violence, hate and polarization in Central and Eastern Europe, hate-based attacks and violence against the LGBTQ+ community, regulating online hate, Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting victims speak about the judicial process and discuss survivors and their voices in action , individual citizens in action, the impact of generational AI on the proliferation of online hate, activating health and social service systems, spotting warning signs and what to do, violent extremists, communication across the divide, and more.

Keynote speakers included Alejandro Mayorkas, secretary, U.S. Department of Homeland Security; Natan Sharansky in conversation with Dr. Misha Galperin; H.E. Ahmed Almansoori in conversation with Anila Ali; Jeff Pegues, Chief National Affairs & Justice Correspondent, CBS News; Tom Nichols, author, staff writer, The Atlantic; and Neil Potts, vice president of public policy, Meta Conversationalists with Inge Auerbacher, Holocaust survivor and author, Stephen Smith, PhD, CEO, co-founder of StoryFile, and David Tessler, director of public policy, Meta.